Principles of Nature: towards a new visual language
Wayne Roberts © 2003



to Linda,

Natasha , Matt, and Jackson

to my parents & family on both sides
and to friends

doctors, medical workers & researchers.
In the hope of the discovery of
new cures in medicine.

 To musicians and artists of the future,
new harmonies are in your hands

To the memory of
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881–1955)
Nobel Prize-winner, Medicine, 1945

This book & web site would not exist were it not for his discovery—my mother’s life-threatening childhood septicaemia was cured by some of the first ampoules of Penicillin available in Sydney, Australia, many years before I was born.


To all
who bring, or aspire to bring,
healing to the Earth.

and to (the late) Dr Darryl Reanney,
whose books inspired this one

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